The Staff says…

The life of a Online Grocery Employee

This blog will consist of working in the Online Grocery Pickup area at Fulton Walmart! My name is Rock Cummings, and I’ve been working at the Fulton Walmart for about a year and half. I started out in the electronic department working with customer hands on for all of their electronics needs. I really enjoyed working with customers and fixing problems that they may have had. I moved to the grocery side of the store about 10 months after working with Walmart. I enjoy the grocery side just as much as I did working in the electronic department. I do lots of different things at work such as picking groceries for people, putting groceries in the customer cars, I also stock shelves.  We are always busy which is a great thing!

2/26/2022 Blog 1

This week has already been a very interesting week. Our market team at the store Fulton  has come up with a new policy with picking up groceries in the online pick up area. Each customer must have a valid I.D. and show the Online Grocery associate. The I.D. must match the name that it is placed under. If the I.D. does not match then we are unable to give it to the customer unless we see the I.D. Which the I.D. can not be on a phone, it has to be in person. The customer that orders has an option to add an alternate pick up person as long as that person has their I.D. Then he or she will be able to pick up the order. The reason for this change is that we want to make sure that we are not giving peoples’ orders to random people. With this new change, we have had some very hateful and rude customers. Customers are getting out of their cars mad, calling the company, etc. So far this week I’ve already had a customer getting out of a vehicle trying to throw stuff, yelling, cussing,etc. But the worst part is we can not give it to them, and the way that they act does not change a thing. It just puts an impact on the person that they are getting ugly with. Anyways you should have an I.D. with you while you are on the road driving; it is the law. 

Blog 2 3/1/2022

This week has been a good week so far in the Online Grocery pickup area. We have been busy, but not super busy. Yesterday we got the news that employees do not have to wear masks even if you are not vaccinated . The masks apply to the whole store and most of the other stores.  This is great for the Online Grocery pickup area because we are having to run in and out of the building, and having a mask on can make it hard for us to breathe. You also get hot having to wear them. The customers have been great this week. We have not had a lot of problems except for our system having a glitch in it. The system is making us remove coffee, creamer, and some of the sandwich meat for some reason. This is very frustrating because we have no control of the glitch in the system;thankfully we have not had customers mad at us because of this glitch that is in the system. 

Blog 3 3/24/2022

This week employees are getting some exciting news all across Walmart facilities! Walmart is now offering all of their employees Walmart Plus. For free that’s right, free! Also the employees that have retired are also getting the Walmart Plus program for free. Walmart plus offers great things such as 5 cents off per gallon, free pickup and delivery, and they are also eligible for free prescriptions. This is a great thing for all Walmart customers and employees because everyone right now could use the 5 cents off per gallon. You can also be eligible for free prescriptions which is a great thing!  So if you are interested in Walmart plus sign up today at 

Blog 4 3/28/22

This week has been a very slow week at Walmart. We have got a lot of new people in the Online Grocery Pickup department. Since we have a lot of new people I will be training people this week. All of the new associates are new to retail. So not only are we having to teach them how we do stuff in the Online Grocery Pickup, we also are having to tell them how retail works. We also are having to teach them how to deal with customer situations since they have not had that retail experience. Not only do we have to teach them all the techniques that they will be using at work. We want to make them feel appreciated at work and want to come to work.

Year 1 Anniversary!

Blog 5: 4/4/22

This week has been very eventful at work. We have now started making Tik Toks for our Walmart, and I am the one that will be making all the Tik Toks for our Fulton store. It is very fun seeing all the employees dancing and getting involved. It is going to be  interesting because I have to come up with the Tik Toks for our Walmart, and I have to post 3 a week which is very challenging. It is going to be very hard to get 3 a week posted because they need to be different and not have multiple Tik Toks of the same things. Also  I do not need to reuse a Tik Tok; they all need to be different so that way it will not get boring! 

Blog 6 4/19/2022

This week has been a very busy week due to Easter! We started off Saturday by having Easter bunny Hopkins take selfies with associates and customers. We were extremely busy in Online Grocery Saturday because people were getting ready for their big day! Then Sunday Easter Bunny Hopkins came back to hand out candy to customers! Sunday was not as bad in Online Grocery since families were at their Easter get togethers. However,  the customers were very impatient with us because they were in such a hurry to get to places, but all in all the customers were better than they have been in the past. 


Blog 7 4/26/2022

 This week has been a very easy week. We have had this crazy customer trying to steal stuff from the store, but he did not get very far because we caught him on camera. This dude was literally stuffing things down his pants, in his boots, and his backpack. When I first saw him I knew he looked very suspicious, so I reported it to AP for them to follow him on cameras throughout the store. He was planning on stealing lots of things, but thankfully they caught him before he got out the door. 

Blog 8 5/16/2022

This week I’ve been outside a whole lot. I have been pushing carts because we only have one cart pusher at the moment. It is not a job that I want, that’s for sure! It is very hot outside, buggies are all over the parking lot and not put in the carportments, and the buggies are very hard to steer when you are pushing them all at once. It is very hard to keep the inside full of carts when you are the only one that is pushing the carts inside of the building. And when you go to lunch it is completely empty because no one likes to help push carts in, so you are having to work really hard when you get back.

Staffwritter: Rock Cummings

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